Thursday, 7 April 2011

Sore eyes and early mornings

My meet-ee this morning said "you're a sight for sore eyes."  He was trying out his English without being 100% sure of its meaning, obviously.  I was the one with the sore eyes, as it happened.  I never seem to be able to get to bed earlier when I have to be up extra early the next day.  Hence the surviving on 5-6 hours' sleep so regularly.  Anyway, he must have noticed his mistake and observed me properly later, because he went on to say, "I know you're not much of a morning person, so if you want to change our meeting times..."  Ah, yes.  Not much of a morning person.  Mm-hmm.  You got that right.

However, it does make a difference if I can get up at the same time as the sun (or fractionally later, so I wake up to the full force of sunlight) and it's a clear day, instead of the stable dreary, grey clouds of days of old in London.  Here, I can at least feel it was mostly worth my while getting up early, as it's already looking like a glorious day.  And I noticed, having actually got out and gone somewhere (ok, to the big supermarket to do food-shopping...nothing exciting) that there are trees with lime green leaves 'out there' now!  That luscious, slightly deliriously fresh green colour is so weird.  It shocks me every Spring.  It was the trees which were a sight for sore eyes, not me.

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