Monday, 13 August 2012

Motorbike chick

The thing about being the passenger on the back of a motorbike is, that you don't have to do much.  It's blissfully easy to just snuggle up into the seeming slipstream of the line of air flowing around you that has already had to go around the driver, so you just keep in behind it and you're fine.  At high speeds, it can be harder work to keep aligned and pull your head forward against the G-force, but to all intents and purposes, you have to just focus on not moving out of that alignment, otherwise the force would be much greater and threaten to pull you off altogether.  But it's such fun.  And I somehow feel that inside the helmet I feel so enclosed and my mind is so focussed on keeping tucked in, that I hardly think about the danger of it.  It feels like I'm cocooned.  It doesn't feel like I'm exposed at all.  Exposed to the elements, somewhat, yes, but in my own little sphere of protection.

It's a pretty damned fine bike though, I must admit.  

I'm rather chuffed at having been able to be a passenger on it.  It's certainly slick and fast and cool-looking.  And I got quite enamoured with the 'motorbike chick look' I sported as well.  Though the jacket is too big for me, it's all we've got for now.  

And I don't care that I look like an American footballer in it.  [And I love decapitating myself with the crop tool!  It's like a Halloween Simpson's episode thing to do!]  I had the honour of being dropped off just outside my flat last night and I hopped off, took off my helmet and swished my imaginarily loose long hair (it was tied back in plaits actually, but I can pretend...) and felt so superior.  Even as I walked up to my flat, carrying the helmet and gloves with me, I enjoyed my moment of feeling cool as I glanced at the former-hotel of sexual horrors across the road and wondered how the girls there feel 

about having to fake being interested in dancing for/sleeping with some horrid man, almost certainly a tourist, for a mere 1000Kc or something.  I bet they'd rather be driven off into the sunset on a CBF 1000 Honda.

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